There are many valuation methods that suggest the market is overvalued. This data point via @LeutholdGroup suggests an extreme. Are we overvaluing our expectations of tech again?
@jessefelder sacks the relentless enthusiasm towards Amazon. It’s only human for market commentators to get giddy after a 110% move year-to-date.
Uncommon thinking leads to uncommon profits. @bclund explains why most are doing investing all wrong
Six key rules of trading from Marty Schwartz via @SJosephBurns
Today’s good was born from yesterday’s bad – @TMFHousel
Investor Strategy Insights via @JeffVoudrie
I discussed the upcoming path of drone regulation in the United States
A recap of Merrill Lynch’s Robotics report
Thinking about the future of online education
@elerianm: ”student loans constitute 45% of federally owned financial assets”
@venturebeat shares details on Shopify’s new peer to peer selling app. It adds a new layer to your social web accounts.
Warren Buffett bashing is a thing again. However, unlike during the late stages of the tech bubble, nobody is saying he has lost his touch.
Thanks for reading!
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