Tag: stock market analysis
Using Planetary Cycles to Interpret Stock Market Trends
By Maria Rinehart What are planetary cycles? A planetary cycle is the period during which a planet completes its orbit around the sun, including...
Taking Stock of the Market: Will Dow Jones All Time Highs...
By Andrew Kassen Hugo Chavez is dead. The late Venezuelan President’s body - lately succumbed to the ravages of cancer and a massive heart...
Dow Jones Bollinger Bands Study: A Sign of Exhaustion?
By Korey Bauer While everyone continues to pound the table saying that "this market is overbought" or "the market is topping," stocks continue to...
The Best of See It Market – February 2013
By Andrew Nyquist With a growing entourage of contributors and solid content, we forge ahead with the “Best of See It Market” for February....
Prospective Equity Risk Premium: A Glimpse Into the Future
By Allan Millar
In my last article we considered historical risk premiums and explored means for quantifying Equity Risk Premium. Taking that one step further, we...
US Dollar Strength Having Little Effect on US Equities Thus Far
By Andrew Nyquist February was an interesting month for the US Dollar and US Equities (S&P 500). When pitting the two against each other...
Market Update: Time to Tune Out the Noise
By Andrew Nyquist
Hey peeps, happy Friday from the Sunshine State. My wife and I are enjoying some quality family time, and no doubt, our "tinies"...
BOOM! The Real Reason Behind the Recent Market Action
By MarketPlunger It's that time again. You know the time when peeps are all up in a tizzy over a big market...
Using Harmonic Price Patterns to Deconstruct the Rally
By Andrew Kassen “The rally is ending here.” Whether it’s the most despised market rally in history or not, calls for the market...
Market Cycles in Motion: Identifying Market Tops
By Alex Bernal
In an effort to expand upon my collection of market cycles work, I thought I would showcase a simple study on the past...