Tag: silver
Precious Metals Lower on Fed ‘Tapering’ Prospects
After a strong summer relief rally, the precious metals sector is back in the doghouse again. With the Fed on tap and budget talks...
Are Gold and Silver Prices About to Explode Higher?
Gold and silver prices were ripe for a move higher. And given current indicators, I wouldn't be surprised to see gold and silver prices...
Commodities Outlook with Elliott Wave Analysis [Video]
In this week's commodities outlook we'll take a closer look at Elliott Wave analysis and apply it to some key commodities, equity indices, and...
Commodities Outlook Video: What to Expect in the Weeks Ahead
It's been a couple weeks since I connected with See It Market readers, so I thought it would be good to connect with a commodities outlook video...
How to Use the COT Report for Trading
By Alex Bernal   With much of the commodities space taking a hard tumble in recent weeks. I wanted to showcase a very useful tool...
Morning Carnage in the Metals Complex
By Andrew Kassen Just what is going on in the Metals complex?
On Friday dispassionate market observers, tinfoil golden calf worshippers (it truly is about the...
Global Financial Markets, In Pictures
By Andrew Nyquist    It doesn't take 20-20 vision to see that the U.S. stock market is off to a good start in 2013. Similar to...
Silver Technical Support and Resistance Update
By Andrew Nyquist
A while back I wrote a piece on iShares Silver (SLV) pointing out the likelihood of a rollover and subsequent retest of it's...
Silver (SLV) Ready to Roll Over?
By Andrew Nyquist
Although iShares Silver (SLV) has been hanging in there and showing relative strength compared to it's big glittery brother, SPDR Gold Shares (GLD), I'm still concerned....
Silver Rallying Towards Key Technical Level Again
By Andrew Nyquist
Below are a couple updated technical charts for iShares Silver (SLV). Find more charts and analysis on SLV and Silver spot prices here.
In short,...