Stock Market Update: Classic Hump Day After Mixed CPI

spy s&p 500 etf trading reversal higher stock market rally chart

Looking at the daily S&P 500 chart, we can see we are sitting on the hump this fine Wednesday.

By the hump I mean that given the negative sentiment to start the day, SPY rallied and closed just above the 50-day moving average and with a possible return to a bullish phase.

Now that is SPY.

What will help get us over the hump is if it confirms with a second close tomorrow over the 50-DMA.

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Note that the Leadership on the SPY chart is comparing its performance to the long bonds TLT.

Here is another area of concern. SPY is underperforming TLT which is typically risk off.

However, junk bonds continue to hold their leadership which suggests that the 2 risk factors of SPY: TLT and TLT: HYG cancel each other out. 

And what would help even more is if the transportation IYT sector continues to hold its 50-DMA.

iyt transportation sector etf trading price analysis investing chart

On the Daily chart of IYT, this too reversed from the morning sell-off to clear the 50-DMA.

While IYT now slightly underperforms SPY, momentum continues to look weaker with the bearish divergence.

Bottom line is that this perfectly defines what a hump day is all about.

To get over the hump for the bulls we need another day of gains in both the S&P 500 and in the Transportation sector.

And should we not confirm the positive phase changes on Thursday, then we can say the hump was a bit too unstable for bulls to hang on. 

ETF Trading Levels Summary:

(Pivotal means short-term bullish above that level and bearish below)

S&P 500 (SPY) 5400-support level held now we look at 560  

Russell 2000 (IWM) 210 pivotal

Dow (DIA) 400 support 

Nasdaq (QQQ) 465 now pivotal

Regional banks (KRE) 54 pivotal

Semiconductors (SMH) 230 pivotal

Transportation (IYT) Has to hold above 65 clear 67.00

Biotechnology (IBB) 137 area support 145 pivotal

Retail (XRT) 73.50 resistance to clear

iShares iBoxx Hi Yd Cor Bond ETF (HYG) Still very much risk on

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