For the weekend, we invite you to listen to Mish’s live coaching session for the Complete Trader members only.
During the 45-minute session, you will hear and see:
- The stock market indices along with Calendar Ranges and Momentum Indicators
- The Economic Modern Family of ETF’s in 2 timeframes
- The outliers and where they sit-bonds, gold, oil, dollar
- Other sectors of interest
- Specific stock picks current and new-with actionable information
- In general, besides the obvious FED rates and inflation, there is the retail or consumer sectors. Still both sectors are underperforming even with the strong demand for services.
The Retail Sector ETF (XRT) for example is nowhere near 52-week highs while NASDAQ and SPY cleared them along with tech. See chart image above for stock market ticker XRT.
Should consumers fatigue buying with higher rates and higher energy costs, then the talk might go back to recession-which in turn-might give the banks reason to pause-which of course, could further fuel inflation and create a market correction.
For now, we have eyes on consumer staples and biotech as undervalued.
Have a listen by clicking here.
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The author may have a position in mentioned securities at the time of publication. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent the views or opinions of any other person or entity.