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Stock Market Update: An Economic Family That Trades Together…
As I like to do on occasion for the weekend wrap-up, here are the weekly charts of the economic Modern Family to review.
From top...
The Stock Market: A Tweet Away From Profits or Losses
One of my tweets today:
$FXI red $EEM red-I haven’t changed the plan-watching 4 mkt to roll over b4 going more short (SMH lightly short)-managing existing longs...
Stock Market Bulls and Bears Stuck in the Same Cage
Today, I read comments on twitter from, how aggravating this low volume rally is, to when is the stock market selloff coming, to how...
Market Update (January 15): Sugar, Ah Honey, Honey
Sugar is a commodity I have written about from time to time.
I like to watch this commodity for several reasons.
First, it is often a...
Will Stock Market Bulls Wind Up an Endangered Species?
Recently, we spent a long time observing Orangutans at the zoo.
Interestingly, humans and Orangutans share nearly 97% of the same DNA. That makes them...
A Look at the Economic Modern Family’s Prodigal Son
To simplify the analysis, I decided to focus on the Regional Banks ETF (NYSEARCA: KRE), or what I call the Prodigal Son of the...
The Stock Market is Slow to Prove Itself
You all know the story of the Tortoise and the Hare.
Although the Hare is way faster, it’s the plodding and consistent Tortoise that wins...
Even the Aliens Are Bullish the Stock Market
Even with the huge rally off the lows, none of the stock market indices have yet to trade back over their 50-daily moving averages.
When Will Stock Market Bears Wake Up?
A common misconception is that bears hibernate during the winter months.
Many stock market bears go into a deep sleep (torpor) yet can wake up...
Where Dragons Dwell in the Stock Market
“In this region of me
A great dragon is lying
On the wealth of a mighty world
My own world inside” - Gojira
The four stock market indices...