Investors and The Market Tries to Read Between the Lines

Starting with Fed Chairman Jerome Powell: 

1. Most Recent Labor Data Sends Signal of Cooling

2. Labor Market Appears to Be Fully Back In Balance 

3. No Longer A Heated Economy  

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4. ‘We Are Well Aware’ We Face Two-Sided Risks

Last night I wrote that “We have heard many discussions on whether small caps (Russell 2000 IWM) really matter for the market.”

The chart above is clear.

Do we care about the small caps?

mags etf out performance stock market year 2024 price chart image

Is there a correction coming in large caps?

Did Powell say anything really?

As we all try to read between the lines, please have a look at where you might consider parking money right now.

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The author may have a position in mentioned securities at the time of publication. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent the views or opinions of any other person or entity.