Gold / US Dollar Price Ratio Making Historic Move!

The price of Gold has been moving steadily higher over the past year, making new all-time highs. It’s currently trading over $2500!

And we have been forecasting and discussing this for the past two years. Read more here.

Today, we look at an important Gold price ratio — The Gold to US Dollar Ratio on a long-term “monthly” bar chart.

As you can see, the Gold/Dollar ratio is testing the 2011 high for the first time in history. And using the inverse head and shoulders breakout as our guide, we can project a measured move to the 30+ level… IF gold continues to breakout above (1).

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With political uncertainty and war abroad, Gold could continue to shine. Stay tuned!

Gold / US Dollar “monthly” Price Ratio Chart

gold to us dollar price breakout forecast higher future target chart year 2025

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