US Markets

xt retail sector etf trading price decline chart november 30

Will Retail Sector (XRT) Signal Stock Market Panic?

The lifeblood of the U.S. economy is the consumer. And this shows its face through the SPDR Retail Sector (XRT). Retail has been a MAJOR...
iwm russell 2000 etf trading price resistance chart november

Critical Intersection For Stock Market: Small Caps, Retail, Semis, and Long Bonds

The overall market is at a crucial intersection. Let's take a deeper look at a few Modern Family members focusing on semiconductors (SMH), long bonds...
xrt retail sector etf price buy signal breakout chart november

What to Expect from Retail Stocks Into The Holidays

As the Thanksgiving holiday shopping weekend is here, we will look at the SPDR Retail Sector ETF (XRT).  Investors and retailers are also closely monitoring...
crude oil price break down long term sell signal bearish chart november

Crude Oil Looks To Be Sending Bearish Message This Month!

Crude oil prices rose sharply in 2022 and this has been a major factor in rising consumer prices and inflation. But the past five months...
home buyers median distance moved for new home year 2022 chart

What Does Today’s Real Estate Buyer Look Like?

Here are 3 statistics about real estate buyers from this year that we will focus on today (source: National Association of REALTORS): 50 Miles 50 Miles...
nasdaq to s&p 500 price performance ratio bearish sell signal tech stocks chart image

Tech Stocks Are Teetering On Pivotal Price Support!

With interest rates rising / elevated, growth stocks are struggling. And in today's market, growth stocks often are tech stocks. Today's chart looks at...
xrt retail sector etf trading reversal lower sell signal chart image november

Learn What’s Driving Retail Sales Growth

This article was contributed to by Keith Schneider and Wade Dawson Today, the Commerce Department's retail sales report showed solid consumer spending. Yet, robust retail...
nasdaq composite fibonacci price support trading important november 16 chart

Nasdaq Composite Reaches ‘Triple’ Inflection Point!

Tech stocks have had a dismal year in 2022 leading the stock market lower. But a broad gauge of the tech universe, the Nasdaq Composite,...
total system leverage government corporations consumers chart

Our Currency (US Dollar), The World’s Problem

The Bank of England is bailing out U.K. pension funds. The Bank of Japan uses excessive monetary policy to protect its currency and cap...
corporate earnings companies announcements calendar week november 14

Retail Stocks Set to Report Q3 Earnings Just as Inflation Begins to Ease

The following research was contributed to by Christine Short, VP of Research at Wall Street Horizon. Key Takeaways:   S&P 500 EPS growth for Q3 is set...

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