US Markets

silver versus gold price performance year 2022 chart

Tips For Trading Profitably In A Bear Market

Many investors have had a rough year. 2022 has been characterized by turbulence in financial markets.  The Nasdaq, S&P 500, and Russell 2000 are all...
xlre real estate sector etf trading price chart bearish analysis into year 2023

Real Estate Sector (XLRE) Reverses Lower, Warns of Economic Stagnation

It's been a wild ride for the real estate sector and investors. After the covid crash, the stock market perked up and investors grabbed real...
united states productivity trends history chart

Capital Neglect Is Killing Capitalism

Capital represents the resources and labor used to produce goods and services. “Ism” is a system. Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of...
gold rising prices forecast year 2023 image

Don’t Miss Out On The Next Gold Rush

Gold always has been and will always be a controversial asset within investment circles.  Its proponents can’t agree on why it deserves a place in...
s&p 500 etf spy trading decline selling chart december

Santa Claus Stock Market Rally or a Bag of Coal? 

Bond prices plummeted, yields increased, and U.S. indexes fell again Monday.  The major U.S. indices have fallen for the past two weeks, and on Monday,...
corporate earnings wall street sign

57% of Companies With Off-Trend Q3 2022 Earnings Dates Performed as WSH Data Indicated

The following research was contributed to by Christine Short, VP of Research at Wall Street Horizon. During the Q3 earnings season we profiled 7 companies...
are regional bank etf trading indicator weak relative strength chart year 2022

Wall Street Banks Favored Over Main Street’s Regional Banks

KRE is a key member of Mish’s Modern Family because KRE measures the health of not only the US financial system, but the overall...
wage growth year 2022 chart

The Battle Against Inflation May Have Only Begun

The Federal Reserve hiked by 50 basis points, as the market was expecting. Major U.S. stock market indices turned red on the news with...
us dollar index decline technical trend support important chart history

Is the US Dollar About To Fall Another 10 Percent?

If you haven't already learned, the financial markets can change on a dime. Trends and themes are good until they are not. This is why...
dia dow jones industrial etf trading golden cross pattern price chart december 13

How to Trade a Golden Cross in a Bear Market  

Investors will watch closely Tuesday as the CPI print is released and Wednesday when the Fed announces its latest rate hike.  The CPI is likely...

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