US Markets

Michele Schneider’s IBD Investors Podcast: Market Phases, Calendar Ranges, and Picks 

This week I was honored to speak with Charles Payne at Fox Business, Angela Miles at Business First AM, David Keller at, Jim...
gld gold etf trading price narrowing squeeze chart september

Gold ETF (GLD): Narrowing Price Pattern Indicates Bigger Move Coming

Not even rising inflation, a debt ceiling fight, nor a raging war overseas seems to move gold prices. But either way, when looking at the...
tlt treasury bonds etf trading higher wednesday investing analysis chart image

Time for a Fresh Look at Long Bonds 

I doubt any of our readers are too surprised by the CPI reading coming in a bit hotter than expected. The bulk of it was...
fed funds interest rates and recessions lag effect chart image history

Interest Rate Hike Plateaus and Recessions: The Lag Effect Unveiled

Despite surging interest rates, there are few signs they are impeding economic activity or causing distress amongst borrowers. It may seem strange that higher...
gdx gold miners etf bottom buy signal trading chart september 13

Gold Miners ETF (GDX): Finding and Trading Potential Bottoms

In June we wrote about the bottom in oil and cannabis through USO and MSOS (ETFs) respectively. In July we wrote about the potential top...
teve pharmaceutical stock buy investing analysis price chart image

TEVA: A Pharmaceutical Stock to Watch Right Now

Every week, I am invited on Business First AM with Angela Miles to discuss the market and give a stock pick. This week, I covered...
ung natural gas etf trading buy signal indicators chart september

Can the Widowmaker Natural Gas Resuscitate?

Probably the worst or at least one of the worst performers in the overall market and in the commodities market, natural gas is choppy...
federal deficit chart united states history

Risk Free Government Debt: Fact Or Fiction?

Most investors believe that U.S. government debt is risk free. Why shouldn’t they, every economic and financial textbook, media outlet, and bond guru say...
tan solar sector etf trading 20 day moving average resistance chart

Solar Stocks Bounce, But Trends Remain Worrisome

Solar stocks tend to be dominated by Tesla (TSLA) and First Solar (FSLR). But if we simply look at the key solar sector ETF (TAN)...
tlt treasury bonds etf trading reversal higher chart

U.S. Economic Data Insights: The GDP, PCE, ADP Waltz

Conference Board Economic Forecast:  Looking into 2024, we expect the volatility that dominated the US economy over the pandemic period to diminish. In the second...

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