US Markets

cash reserves

2013 Cash Reserves Ranking: Apple, U.S. Corporates Lead Way

Most humans, apart from most teenagers, tend to be naturally averse to risk.  We try to avoid situations that are dangerous, embarrassing or in...

Wage Growth and The Retail Sector, One Year Later

In October 2013, Mr. Market seemed unable to gain quick traction from the summer lows.  Then, we shared a study of wage growth for...
tbtf banks

TBTF Banks: Setting Up A Different Kind of Stress Test

With a single exception, the major money center banks and bank holding companies we checked in on at the market's February bottom (here) are...
stocks bounce

Stocks Bounce: But How Far Will They Go?

That's always the follow up question, isn't it? Earlier we considered how far small caps might go after bears succeeded in tripping the thirteenth 50-Day...

Citifail: How the Fed Confirmed What the Market Already Knows

Following yesterday's close, the Fed released the final installment of its annual stress test (the CCAR) of the 30 largest TBTF "systemically significant" banking institutions...
financial analysis

U.S. Financial Markets Recap For February 2014

by Greg Naylor     February was an eventful month for U.S. financial markets, as conflict in the Ukraine rattled investors and news from China continued...

November Soybeans Go Vertical: In Need Of Consolidation

November Soybeans are enjoying a nice multi-week rally. Similar to other Ag commodities, this rally comes on the heels of several months of pain. To...
corn prices

December Corn Prices Rallying Into Technical Resistance

In mid-January, I wrote a post about Corn prices nearing important technical support. As with all my chartology posts, I try to cover levels...
stock market bull bear

Retail Sector Underperformance Continues: How Long Until It Matters Again?

Back in January, I wrote about Retail Sector underperformance and why it was worth watching. It turned out to be a good “tell” of...
october stock market performance

S&P 500 Closes Up 7 Days In A Row: What’s Next?

S&P 500 futures (Symbol: ES) just finished their seventh consecutive day higher Wednesday, completing a feat that has occurred 14 times in the previous...

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