Market News and Insights

gld gold etf trading buy signal breakout analysis chart image

Is Inflation Permanently “Dissed”?

I wish I could say that the clearly impressive trend from peak until now in CPI and PPI is sustainable. However, I am more inclined...
us dollar index decline lower breakdown bearish currency markets chart image july 2023

US Dollar To See Further Weakness? Gold Bulls Hope So!

After peaking in 2022, the US Dollar Index has spent nearly a year in decline. But it may be set to fall even further. And...
successful ipos year 2023 stock tickers price chart - initial public offerings

IPO Market Showing Signs of Life as Wall Street Optimism Grows

The following research was contributed to by Christine Short, VP of Research at Wall Street Horizon. The last 18 months have been like an ice...
job openings versus quitters year 2023 employment market snapshot

Employment Insights: Labor Market Still Strong

Well, it looks like AI (artificial intelligence) has not replaced everyone’s job just yet. Last week saw a surprisingly strong ADP employment report of 497k –...
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Gold Miners ETF Breaking Out of Bullish Falling Wedge Pattern!

The precious metals complex may be ending a 2 month pullback / consolidation pattern. And perhaps in grand fashion! With Gold and Silver prices bouncing off...

$WEAT Wheat ETF (and inflation) Down But Not Out As Ukraine War Escalates

Investors and economists are getting awfully complacent about inflation, in my opinion. They seem to think that an escalating international war that we are...
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Is German DAX Holding The Key To Global Stock Markets?

A recent review of global stock market indices put a major European index on my radar: The German DAX. The current price pattern for the...
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4 Market Trends To Follow This Summer

This week we share 4 charts depicting market trends into summertime... because we could not stop at 3. Zoom sees record in-app monthly revenue... Apparel retail foot...
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Transports (IYT) Nearing Short-Term Breakout Resistance

It's been a rough go for the Transportation Sector ETF (IYT) ever since COVID. And to be fair, it's understandable as tourism and vacationing...
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U.S. Oil Reserves Drop to 40 Year Lows

On June 12th, Goldman Sachs came out stating how bearish they are on oil. I wrote a Daily about it on June 20th: Bearish at the Bottom-Institutions...

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