Market News and Insights

Not So Far East: Consumer Driven Economy to Lift Southeast Asia

By Jeff Wilson Thank you for returning to Part 2 of our 3 part series on Southeast Asia. We spent most of Part 1 (“A Macro...
giving back, charity event celebration

Minyan Magic: Scenes from Festivus 2012

By Andrew Nyquist This year was finally my time! You see, for the past three years, I have longed to make the trek to New York...
singapore marina in beautiful southeast asia

Not So Far East: A Macro Economic Look at Southeast Asia

By Jeff Wilson After a terrific article by Alex Salomon on the deep-seeded cultural and economic issues facing France, I would like to take you to...
family watching retro tube television

The Biggest Risk to Apple’s Consumer Products Empire

By Ross Heart A few weeks back I mentioned to See It Market founder Andy Nyquist that I was working on a post detailing the #1...
investor, broker, trader, cfo

October Market Report and Economic Update

By Greg Naylor October was an uneventful month for major economic news, although Superstorm Sandy closed the NYSE for two days.  This was the first...
french flag, french economy, euro, france, economic crisis, debt crisis

Francestein: The Next European Shoe to Drop

By Alex Salomon AFTER GREXIT & SPAIN COMES THE “FRANCESTEIN” FRENCH MONSTER Those who follow me on Twitter @Alex__Salomon know that I have been brewing an article...
financial planner, stock broker, sales representative, investment professional, businessman

September Market Report and Economic Update

By Greg Naylor September was an eventful month, as the Federal Reserve and Ben Bernanke announced another round of quantitative easing, commonly referred to as...
number 5, five, 5, abstract number

Apple iPhone5 Review: Special Edition of Random Thoughts

By Alex Salomon So it's official: on Friday morning, bright and early, my wife and I snatched Apple iPhone5 32GB #3 (Black, hers) & #4 (White,...
china, japan, chinese, japanese, flags, relations, tensions, history, peace, war, summit

A Closer Look at Recent China-Japan Tensions: The Forest Behind the Trees

By Alex Salomon As a quick but obvious disclosure, I am far from knowing much, or anything, about China and Japan. Having traveled there and read...
number 5, five, 5, abstract number

5 Thoughts: The Reality of Intervention, Politics, and Propaganda

By Alex Salomon It's been a busy week for global news and financial media, covering rising fanaticism and related tragedies abroad, as well as the vastly...

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