Market News and Insights

bank stocks

Tightening Fed Policy: Is A Smooth Exit A Sure Thing?

What factor is most responsible for the recovery Fed policy has - by most accounts - stimulated in financial (housing and labor also?) markets...
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Interview With Estimize Founder Leigh Drogen

For the past 12 months, I have been part of Estimize, a community of 13,000+ professional and non-professional equity analysts who are contributing their...
financial analysis

Heads Up: It’s NFP Friday!

By Andrew Kassen Welcome to Non-Farm Payroll (NFP; a.k.a. "the monthly unemployment data) Friday! Excluding Central Bank rate decisions and the occasional errant twitter...
british flag, london england

Brexit: What a British Exit from the EU Looks Like

By Alex Salomon     Are you familiar with Brixit? Not yet? It might become the next catchy buzzword for yet another European Union drama. Brexit,...
us dollar bull and bear

Doc Copper: The Personal Physician to King Dollar

By Andrew Kassen Copper is often held up when analysts and commentators are having an "intermarket analysis" moment to bolster whatever argument they're...
financial planner, stock broker, sales representative, investment professional, businessman

Stock Market Report and Economic Update: March 2013

By Greg Naylor     March was an eventful month, as the Euro zone dealt with another crisis, this time in Cyprus, and the sequestration went...
stock market chart

Reviving The Yen Carry Trade

By Andrew Kassen "The Yen Carry Trade" - whatever your tenure in and familiarity with financial markets, it's a litmus phrase evoking a...
extreme market readings

While You’re Sleeping: Massive Moves Prevail In Japanese Markets

By Andrew Kassen A lot of atrocious developments occur in world financial markets while the West sleeps.  Lately, that has meant mayhem in Japanese...
european union flag

Political Tensions Rise as Euro Crisis Continues

By Andrew Nyquist     The Euro was never given a fighting chance. Figuratively, and quite possibly literally. From conception, economists and investors questioned the Euro's...
european youth unemployment

European Youth Unemployment: Risking a Lost Generation

By Joshua Schroeder     Once again Europe's leaders spoiled a chance to take coordinated action to effectively address the bailout in Cyprus. This failure has...

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