Market News and Insights

stock market news

Taking Stock of the Market: Will Dow Jones All Time Highs Change the Equation?

By Andrew Kassen     Hugo Chavez is dead. The late Venezuelan President’s body - lately succumbed to the ravages of cancer and a massive heart...

Retired Investors: Does The Department of Homeland Security Know Something We Don’t?

By Jeff Voudrie      Recent purchases of billions of rounds of ammunition and 1400 Armored Vehicles for use WITHIN the United States should cause retirees...
stock market report

January 2013 Stock Market Report and Economic Update

By Greg Naylor January was an eventful month, as the federal government extended most of the Bush tax cuts and delayed sequestration for two months.  In...

From Y2K to The Information Age

After turning the page on Y2K and all the dire technology warnings that accompanied it, we are beginning to realize that ticking the year...
stock market report

December Stock Market Report and Economic Update

By Greg Naylor December was an uneventful month, as markets anxiously awaited resolution of the ‘fiscal cliff.’  The last week of December saw markets end the...
government spending out of control

A Roadmap for Responsible Government Spending

By Max Moore I recently started reading Santayana’s Curse by Sean Corrigan (of Diapason Commodities). In a few words, the book recounts various monetary pursuits over...

Special Interests and Political MisAdventures of the 21st Century

By Andrew Nyquist Let’s just come out and state the obvious: it’s nearly impossible to trust that the current political system has the conviction necessary to...
financial analysis

November Financial Market Report and Economic Update

By Greg Naylor November was an eventful month, as the U.S. elections upheld the status quo in the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.  Markets...

Not So Far East: Consumer Driven Economy to Lift Southeast Asia

By Jeff Wilson Thank you for returning to Part 2 of our 3 part series on Southeast Asia. We spent most of Part 1 (“A Macro...
giving back, charity event celebration

Minyan Magic: Scenes from Festivus 2012

By Andrew Nyquist This year was finally my time! You see, for the past three years, I have longed to make the trek to New York...

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