Market News and Insights

late delayed corporate earnings announcements total by quarter chart

Caution Ahead – Uncertainty Index Confirms What Bank CEOs Have Said on Q3 Calls

The following research was contributed to by Christine Short, VP of Research at Wall Street Horizon. The LERI shows corporate uncertainty increasing to its highest...

Best Stock Educator Award 2023

With words like, “Schneider’s dedication to educating others about stocks is unparalleled,” Traders World Fintech Awards honors me in the most amazing way possible. I have always...
most downloaded apps month september year 2023

3 Market Insights: Meta Dominates App Downloads, Tesla’s Pricing Problem, and Inflation Forecasting

In this week's 3 market insights, we discuss Meta, Tesla, and the economic thorn that is inflation. Here's a summary: Meta remains the dominant app download...
btcusd bitcoin price analysis forecast chart october

Will Bitcoin Go the Way of a Commodity or an Equity?

So how did I decide to focus on bitcoin for this analysis? Well, I went back to my Outlook 2023 written in December 2022...
united states oil fund etf uso long term decline trading price chart

Monthly Chart Points to Much Higher Oil Prices Coming

Before we begin, just a note to mention that TLT took out the fast MA featured in the October 10th Daily Update, while SPY underperformed....
tlt treasury bonds etf trading price reversal higher chart october

Will Treasury Bonds Crisis Turn Into Opportunity This Month?

Rising interest rates has created a decline in treasury bonds not seen in modern times. Well, they say crisis equals opportunity. This may be the case...
interest rate trends united states graph image

Janet Yellen Suggests Much Lower For Much Longer

On October 5, 2023, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made a very telling statement about the future course of interest rates. YELLEN SAYS DEBT SERVICE COSTS...
tlt 20 year treasury bond etf trading decline analysis chart october

A Closer Look at Long Bonds and The US Dollar

The next direction of the long bonds is crucial in determining the macro. First, after a wrecking ball crash and ahead of the FOMC, we...
iwm xrt trading price reversals moving average investing chart october

Small Caps and Retail Stocks Hold Line in the Sand

I spent all of last week in the media and in print, going over the importance of 2 key indicators. (See the media clips...
gbp use british pound us dollar trading pair elliott wave analysis decline lower chart

GBP/USD Currency Pair: Is Deep Elliott Wave Retracement Targeting 1.18?

At the start of this year, the GBP/USD currency pair was doing pretty well, going above the 1.3100 level. But then things changed as...

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