Francestein: The Next European Shoe to Drop
By Alex Salomon
Those who follow me on Twitter @Alex__Salomon know that I have been brewing an article...
A Closer Look at Recent China-Japan Tensions: The Forest Behind the Trees
By Alex Salomon
As a quick but obvious disclosure, I am far from knowing much, or anything, about China and Japan. Having traveled there and read...
The Big Hope: An Invitation to Dream
By Alex Salomon
This blog entry comes on the heels of a series of tweets from my account @Alex__Salomon. A friend (follower) suggested I should expand on it. The...
5 Thoughts: Portfolio Philosophy, the Human Condition, and a Farewell to Neil
By Alex Salomon
The last week of the trading summer came and went and the full grind of things is about to get started again. In...
Credit Crunch Hits China
By Jeff Voudrie
Many retired wealth investors and those developing retirement income strategies believe that China will pull the world out of its economic slump. As...
5 Weekend Thoughts: PIIGS, Oil, and Apple Stock
By Alex Salomon
Another week punctuated by my increasingly random thoughts! But come on, it's always fun! This weeks thoughts range from more European political and...
4 Key Questions on China’s Transition to a Consumer Economy
By Joshua Schroeder
Recently there has been a lot of focus on near term fears of an economic hard landing in China. Talking heads continue to...
5 Weekend Thoughts: The Market Rally, European Hope, and the PFGBest Disaster
By Alex Salomon
The week's thoughts delivered right to your internet doorstep... well, not exactly, but enjoy!!
1. The markets slowly drifted down all week before...
5 Weekend Thoughts: A Random Walk Through This Week’s News
Last week, I mentioned how the slower week of July 4th should be enjoyed, if possible, with welcoming rest, fun, friendship and family. It's...
5 Weekend Thoughts: Russian Oil, the European Summit, and a Crisis of Accountability
By Alex Salomon
What a week!! I have to admit that I am somewhat relieved that it is over: time to gear up for a fun-filled...