Brexit: What a British Exit from the EU Looks Like
By Alex Salomon   Are you familiar with Brixit? Not yet? It might become the next catchy buzzword for yet another European Union drama. Brexit,...
Reviving The Yen Carry Trade
By Andrew Kassen "The Yen Carry Trade" - whatever your tenure in and familiarity with financial markets, it's a litmus phrase evoking a...
While You’re Sleeping: Massive Moves Prevail In Japanese Markets
By Andrew Kassen A lot of atrocious developments occur in world financial markets while the West sleeps. Lately, that has meant mayhem in Japanese...
Political Tensions Rise as Euro Crisis Continues
By Andrew Nyquist   The Euro was never given a fighting chance. Figuratively, and quite possibly literally. From conception, economists and investors questioned the Euro's...
European Youth Unemployment: Risking a Lost Generation
By Joshua Schroeder   Once again Europe's leaders spoiled a chance to take coordinated action to effectively address the bailout in Cyprus. This failure has...
Cyprus Bailout News: A Contrarian’s Contrarian View
By Alex Salomon   Since Saturday morning early tweets, then blogs, then news reports on the Cyprus bailout, lots has been written. Early on, I...
The Systematic Significance of the Cyprus Bailout
By Andrew Kassen    News of a Troika-orchestrated bailout of the Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus spilled from European newswires early this past Saturday morning...
Taking Stock of the Market: Will Dow Jones All Time Highs Change the Equation?
By Andrew Kassen   Hugo Chavez is dead. The late Venezuelan President’s body - lately succumbed to the ravages of cancer and a massive heart...
From Y2K to The Information Age
After turning the page on Y2K and all the dire technology warnings that accompanied it, we are beginning to realize that ticking the year...
A Roadmap for Responsible Government Spending
By Max Moore
I recently started reading Santayana’s Curse by Sean Corrigan (of Diapason Commodities). In a few words, the book recounts various monetary pursuits over...