Global Markets

$WEAT Wheat ETF (and inflation) Down But Not Out As Ukraine War Escalates

Investors and economists are getting awfully complacent about inflation, in my opinion. They seem to think that an escalating international war that we are...
german dax stock market index double top pattern bearish indicator investing chart image

Is German DAX Holding The Key To Global Stock Markets?

A recent review of global stock market indices put a major European index on my radar: The German DAX. The current price pattern for the...
elliott wave analysis japanese yen currency near major low bottom

Is Japanese Yen Weakness Coming To An End? (Elliott Wave Analysis)

The weakness of Japanese Yen may be coming to an end, as we see it nearing key Fibonacci price support... and when the Federal...
vnm vietnam etf trading bullish investing chart

Vietnam ETF (VNM) and What the U.S. Widening Trade Deficit Means

The U.S. trade deficit widened to a 6-month high and by the most in 8 years. That means that we imported way more goods while...
gold price analysis important technical support may june image

Elevated Gold Prices Face Bigger Selloff If Support Fails!

There's so much uncertainty today that I think the markets are uncertain about being uncertain. I know Gold is sure trading like it. With so much...
natural gas futures trading buy signal rally higher forecast chart year 2023

Natural Gas and Oil Are Always On Trader’s Radar

This week I wrote a daily trading update on USO, the US Oil Fund.  Plus, I did a video for CMC Markets on Natural Gas...
dow jones industrial average futures trading elliott wave analysis image year 2023

Elliott Wave Analysis: US Dollar Strength May Impact Stocks

Based on a thorough analysis of the charts, a notable decline can be observed in xxx/USD pairs during the previous week. This coincides...
crude oil prices decline lower analysis image russian war offensives

Commodity Price Patterns Signaled Caution Despite Russian Invasion!

Market prices absorb all the information that's out there. Perhaps that's why several commodity prices surged in the months leading up to the Russian...
crude oil futures price chart decline lower analysis spring year 2023

Is Crude Oil About To Send An Important Global Message?

The past 12 years have seen some really big swings in the price of crude oil. And the latest swing higher into 2022 played...
silver futures bullish buy signal continuous quarterly price chart

Silver Creates Bullish Quarterly Candlestick; Breakout Next?

Precious metals bulls rose sharply last summer into the heart of inflation headlines and Ukraine war news. Since that time, both gold and silver...

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