Chart Spotlight: Is Copper Ready To Rally?
With the entire commodity space taking another nose dive, a specialty pattern indicator that I have been focusing on just popped up on my...
The Canaries Are Quiet: All Eyes On The Federal Reserve
The Canaries Are Quiet
In the late summer months of 2015 the Federal Reserve were actively discussing the possibility of raising the Federal Funds rate...
Gold Bulls Let Down Again In Precious Metals Latest Slide
For the last 2 or 3 years, Gold bulls have gotten their hopes up, only to be let down time and time again. In short,...
Apple Leaves A Bumbling Wall Street In The Stone Age
What happened after Apple's earnings serves as a stark reminder that for far too long the loudest voices have been heard and the knowledge...
Are Chinese Central Bank Actions Contradicting Economic Data?
In our latest article, “China Growth – Miracle or Mirage” published October 20, 2015, we questioned whether China’s perfectly forecasted and uniquely steady economic...
China Growth Story: Is It A Miracle Or Mirage?
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” – L. Frank Baum (The Wizard of Oz)
Once again, the release of China’s GDP on...
Are IMF Concerns Presaging A Cyclical Downturn In The Economy?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) can be considered the worlds’ central bank. As such, the IMF has its finger on the pulse of the...
US Financial Markets Review: Fed Talks, Uncertainty Walks
September was an eventful month in the markets as the financial markets accelerated a risk-off move on concerns about economic growth in China, and...
Winds Of Market Change: Treasury Bonds Catching A Bid
Monday marked yet another rough day in the markets. Here's the damage for the major stock market indices yesterday: the S&P 500 was down 2.6%; the...
Why The Fed Won’t (Shouldn’t) Raise Rates In 2015
If the Federal Reserve raises rates this year, it will be one of the worst policy mistakes made be any Central Banker (in my...