Stocks & Bonds

stock market, stock chart, technical analysis, investing

See It, Market: Two Tech Stocks for the Taking

Tuesday's breakout bonanza made for good headlines, but followed an all to familiar event pattern:  bailout pop... and drop?  As of Wednesday pre-market, the...
stock market, stock chart, technical analysis, investing

See It, Market: Spiders, and Diamonds, and Q’s! Oh my!

Over the past five years, financial markets have experienced unparalleled volatility and market swings.  From the 60% decline into the 2009 lows to a roughly 100% rise at the 2011...
bullish, bearish, stock market, investing, recession

Playing for Keeps: 5 Simple Strategies That Put You in the Drivers Seat

Ever had a stock or index fund in your portfolio head south and thought "I'll give it a little more room" or "I've got years to...
stock market, stock chart, technical analysis, investing

See It, Market: Is a Dow Non-Confirmation Looming?

The trend is your friend until, well, it's not.  Simple as that.  So, how do we protect ourselves against a market turn?  This is...
mock draft, investing, salary cap, player contracts, ticket prices

2011 Equity Mock Draft

Tis the season!  With the NFL draft coming up this weekend, I thought it would be fun to add a little playfulness to the...
stock market, stock chart, technical analysis, investing

See It, Market: Large Cap Old School Tech

Since the Tech bubble burst over a decade ago, fits and starts have mired “mature” large cap tech stocks into an out of favor, underperforming slump. ...

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