Short Term Bottom in Sight? S&P 500 Nearing Demark Buy Setup
By Andrew Nyquist
On Friday, I blogged about JP Morgan's (JPM) trading losses and why the news came at a bad time for both the financials...
JP Morgan News and Morning Market Technicals
By Andrew Nyquist
After JP Morgan's (JPM) surprising announcement that they lost $2 Billion in their Investment Office on synthetic credit securities ($800 Million after tax...
S&P 500 Technical Update, Part II
By Andrew Nyquist
This past weekend provided for additional volatility in the financial markets, as expected. On Friday I wrote about last week's technical breakdown and...
S&P 500 Technical Update: What Happened?
By Andrew Nyquist
The past few days are a good reminder of why we define our risk when actively investing. Lots of folks asking what happened...
Knightsbridge Tankers Looking Like Value
By Joshua Schroeder
In earlier posts I have talked about positioning my portfolio for a correction as we enter the traditionally slower summer months and begin...
Prepping For a Fall Market Bottom
By Joshua Schroeder
Volatility comes from out of nowhere and tends to take people by surprise. A bit of a rounding top and some indecision, and...
Hey “You”: Time To Appreciate That Asset
I started tracking my net worth in February 2002, over 10 years ago -- I've logged it every month since. I now have a...
S&P 500 Update: Technical A-B-C or 1,2…3?
By Andrew Nyquist
Over the past several days we have witnessed a classic break down and backtest on the S&P 500 chart. Â So what gives? And...
Chartology: S&P 500 Technical Update
S&P 500 annotated daily stock chart with technical analysis overlay as of April 18, 2012. Â Price support and resistance Levels. Â Backtest. SPX
Twitter:  @andrewnyquist and @seeitmarket   Facebook:  See...
S&P 500 Near Term Technical Update
By Andrew Nyquist
After cascading lower earlier this week, the financial markets have recovered nicely. In fact, so "nice" that the S&P 500 has retraced 50...