Stocks & Bonds

stock chart analysis

Market Update: 3 Charts to Watch in the Week Ahead

By Andrew Nyquist This week's market update is going to be short and to the point. I believe much of the coming action in the weeks...
bull vs bear, bullish, bearish, investing risks

Overbought or Not Overbought: Does It Really Matter?

By Brad Tompkins There has been plenty of media coverage recently related to whether the stock market is overbought or not. It is interesting and certainly entertaining. ...
investing chart, good investments, going higher, up arrow, investing performance, growth, success

Trading Ideas for the Week Ahead: September 17

By Alex Salomon What a week, what a week!! What a week!! Green, everywhere… Lots and lots of green! Of course, doomsayers are dousing it with...
stock chart analysis

Market Update: Helicopter Ben Lathers Up the Equity Markets

By Andrew Nyquist After taking a few days to consolidate gains following the Bernanke-Draghi two week two step, the market "liquidified" again... as in, rained dollars...
technical analysis, stock chart analysis, stock charts, technical chart, chart analysis

Chartology: A Closer Look at Facebook (FB)

By Andrew Nyquist Investing can be a tricky business. Whether Facebook (FB) has hit "bottom" or not is besides the point here. As Facebook was hitting...
technical analysis, stock chart analysis, stock charts, technical chart, chart analysis

Nasdaq 100 Technical Patterning Like Trying to Hit a Change Up

By Brad Tompkins Most technical traders have a favorite chart pattern that is the trading equivalent to a “fat pitch” in baseball. We see it setup...
investing chart, good investments, going higher, up arrow, investing performance, growth, success

Trading Ideas for the Week Ahead: September 10

By Alex Salomon After taking a "break" from updating this column (while trading extremely actively -- too actively in fact to keep up with swing ideas),...
celebration, partying, champagne, new years, birthday, anniversary, wedding

Happy Birthday See It Market: Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

By Jenny Nyquist In honor of's 1st anniversary, I have decided to write my first blog for the site (and most likely my last:)....
stock chart analysis

Weekend Market Update: What’s Next for Mr. Market?

By Andrew Nyquist Well, so much for the boring sideways market! Although some may have been caught flat footed on the direction of the move, most...
mock draft, investing, salary cap, player contracts, ticket prices

15 Investing Lessons Learned From Playing Fantasy Football

By Ross Heart Sweltering heat giving way to cool crisp nights means the kids are heading back to school, but to many it also signals the...

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