Market Masters: Analyzing Cloudy Markets with Ichimoku
Ever met someone you'd call "a real numbers guy"? I've come across a few.
Roughed-up card counters dumped headlong into Vegas casino kitchen dumpsters. A...
Insights into Breaking a Trading Slump
Ever been in a slump? A bad one – a really bad one? If you’ve invested in the markets for an extended period of...
Russell 2000: Tiptoeing on the Edge
There's a whiff of panic in the air. Since small-cap stock benchmark Russell 2000 turned 1000 a month ago it has slipped into consolidation...
Using Risk Metrics to Gauge Prospective Equity Risk Premium
Damodaran (2011) explained that there were three methods by which to calculate a prospective Equity Risk Premium. The first is to survey investors and...
Market Masters: Short-Selling; Sell High, Buy Back Lower
By Madison Montana One advantage of short-selling is that an active investor can be profitable in a rising or falling market environment. In uncertain markets...
Emerging Markets Performance Checkup: BRIC vs Ex-BRIC
When the terms “growth" or "growing economies” are mentioned, most active investors immediately think of emerging markets, such as the BRIC nations: Brazil, Russia,...
Corporate Profit Margins: A Different Take
One of the more useful (and apparently underused) tools I’ve stumbled on in macroeconomic analysis is the Kalecki Profit equation for evaluating corporate profit... Interview with Alex Bernal
Here is an interview that I recently did with, talking about my background, expertise, and thoughts on the financial markets. In the interview...
VIX Fear Near Recent Extremes as SPX Tests Support
The VIX (CBOE Market Volatility Index) has reached an extreme fear level, based on behavior this year, at the same time the S&P 500...
Market Masters: Why Investor Confidence Is King
For today’s Market Masters column, I’m going to focus on investor psychology. And more specifically, the value of personal investor confidence. As many of...