Stocks & Bonds

nvda nvidia stock price peak market top chart june 25

Stock Market Update: One Day Does Not a Sector Rotation Make!

Over the weekend I wrote about the ETFs that I follow to gauge the strength of the broader stock market and economy (The Economic Modern...
semiconductors sector etf smh bearish reversal sell signal investing chart june

Will Semiconductors (SMH) Reversal Lead Stock Market Lower?

The stock market has been on an incredible run. And as we have pointed out several times, that bull market run higher has been lead...
xlv health care sector etf trading breakout resistance chart june

Health Care Sector ETF (XLV): Ready To Breakout?

As the stock market trades near all-time highs, not all sectors are joining the party. In total, it's a mixed bag. Some are bullish, some...
household ownership equities all time high chart - ned davis research

Household Ownership of Equities At All-Time High; Should Investors Be Concerned?

With the stock market trading at all-time highs and seemingly pressing higher and higher by the month in 2024, it should come as no...
stock market etfs performance trading chart week ending june 21

Weekly Visit with the Stock Market’s Economic Modern Family

According to a poll conducted by CNBC, 56% of Americans said they believe the U.S. is in a recession. GDP grew by 1.6% in the...
s&p 500 equal weight index stock market top pattern forming june investing chart image

Is S&P 500 Equal Weight Index About To Topple Market?

Whether the stock market is trending higher or lower, or even trading sideways, I've always found it helpful to watch the equal weight indices...
south africa etf eza trading bottom bullish reversal chart june 19

South Africa ETF (EZA) Rally: Are Higher Prices On The Way?

South Africa is renowned for its developed and diversified mining industry. With this in mind, we put the South Africa ETF (EZA) on our trading...
qqq nasdaq 100 etf trading outlook year 2024

Nasdaq 100 (QQQ) June 2024 Update: What Lies Ahead?

What's next for the Nasdaq 100? Will we see a continuation of the aggressive bull phase that we've observed off of the April 2024...
iyt transportation sector etf trading buy signal chart june 18

Stock Market Sector ETFs Analysis and Buy/Sell Signals

We may be in the summer doldrums for the stock market but underneath the surface, things are not so dull.  Especially because we are experiencing...
total mergers acquisitions by quarter last five years chart

Are More Mergers & Acquisitions Activity Coming In 2024?

The following research was contributed to by Christine Short, VP of Research at Wall Street Horizon. After global M&A activity reached a decade low in...

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