Investing Research

stock chart analysis

Quick Take: Technical Update and The Week Ahead

By Andrew Nyquist This week, the markets continued their slide down the slippery slope.  But that slide may finally find a bottom early next week.  Currently...

The Anatomy of a Trader, Part 4 of 5: All Heart

By Andrew Nyquist Well here we are, part 4 of the series, and I’m not gonna lie to you, this one is going to be short...
stock chart analysis

S&P 500 Range Narrowing: Levels to Watch

By Andrew Nyquist Futures pushed higher this morning indicating a morning hop.  But indecision is still high and the market is nearing an inflection point.  The past few...
stock chart analysis

Quick Take: Large Cap Tech Stocks NDX, AAPL, GOOG, QCOM

By Andrew Nyquist Large Cap Tech took a big hit during the August to October market meltdown.  After technically forming a broadening top, the floor fell...
stock chart analysis

Quick Take: 1257 May Hold the Key to the Markets

By Andrew Nyquist Over the past few days, the S&P 500 has been able to pierce 1257 briefly, only to close at or below the level.  So why...
heading higher

High-Tech Pharmacal (HITK) Sizzling; What to Expect Now

By Joshua Schroeder High-Tech Pharmacal (HITK) is a small cap biotech/pharmaceutical stock that I added to my portfolio in July and August and then recommended on...
stock chart analysis

Quick Take: Gauging the Bounce

I'm running on market fumes...  Over the weekend I saw the futures jump higher and spent much of the past day and a half trying...
stock chart analysis

Quick Take: DeMark Analysis Indicates Bounce Coming

By Andrew Nyquist It's been a long couple of weeks for the stock market.  After breaking down and out of the pennant formation, the S&P 500...

The Anatomy of a Trader, Part 3 of 5: Vision Quest

The good news is that the timing for this piece couldn't be better, for when markets start to creep with volatility, emotion, and uncertainty,...
stock chart analysis

Quick Take: Oil Services May Provide Opportunity

By Andrew Nyquist The markets have melted down since breaking the bottom edge of the flag / pennant formation.  Overnight futures indicated a rough start to the week,...

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