Investing Research

Chartology: S&P 500 Technical Update

S&P 500 annotated daily stock chart with technical analysis overlay as of April 18, 2012.  Price support and resistance Levels.  Backtest. SPX --------------------------------------------------------- Twitter:  @andrewnyquist and @seeitmarket     Facebook:  See...
silver and gold bars

Technically Speaking, Precious Metals a Mixed Bag

By Andrew Nyquist Everyone seems to have a take on Gold and Silver these days. From government debt to a weak dollar/inflation to debt destruction/deflation... it's a...
bull vs bear, wall street bull, stock market bull bear, stock bull, bullish sentiment, stock market bear

S&P 500 Near Term Technical Update

By Andrew Nyquist After cascading lower earlier this week, the financial markets have recovered nicely. In fact, so "nice" that the S&P 500 has retraced 50...
stock chart analysis

S&P 500: Stay Focused On the Technicals

By Andrew Nyquist On April 3rd I did a chartology on the S&P 500 in which I wrote: "Decision time! A sustained break above 1425 may...
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Fertilizer Stocks Offer Opportunity to Harvest Profits

By Adam Graham I have a macro thesis that's driven entirely by the perpetual and rapidly increasing growth rate in global population. I believe that with...

Chartology: Natural Gas Records Monthly Buy Setup

If you're interested in Natural Gas, make sure you double check your risk profile and create an investment plan. Just when you think a...
stock chart analysis

Chartology: Technicals Behind Amazon’s Bounce Higher

By Andrew Nyquist After clinging to long term support for over 2 months, Amazon (AMZN) was in do or die mode.  As early as February, pundits...
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Guest Reader Blog: Is 1500 on Tap for the S&P 500?

By Alex Salomon Some trading months are just blessed by the Gods. Ironic for an agnostic like me!  Take January 2011/2012: one could simply pick a...
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Wikinvest’s Portfolio Aggregator Worth a Look

By Joshua Schroeder If you are like me then over time you probably have accumulated various investment accounts with different brokers.  For example, I have an...
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Quick Take: S&P 500 Eyeing 1375?

By Andrew Nyquist And here we are again eyeing that that all important S&P 500 toggle at 1375. The only difference this time is that we're looking...

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