Investing Research

Chart of the Week: Apple (AAPL) Surges Through Resistance

By Andrew Nyquist Last week, Apple (AAPL) surged through resistance at 590 and didn't look back. The stock was assisted by analyst earnings chatter and rumors...
stock chart analysis

S&P 500 Weekend Update: Technical Breakdown or Low Volume Takedown?

By Andrew Nyquist Holiday weeks are typically lazy and full of directional drifts that tend to move upward. The key word here being "tend." This week started...
silver and gold bars

Gold and Silver Holding Above Critical Support

By Andrew Nyquist Last week, both Gold and Silver bounced off major support lines and thus far the bounce has been strong. But bulls shouldn’t let...
stock chart analysis

S&P 500 Weekend Update: 1363 Looms Large

By Andrew Nyquist Well it's Friday and Wall Street is busy finishing up yet another wild week of "As Europe Turns." And you know what that...
technical analysis, stock chart analysis, stock charts, technical chart, chart analysis

Understanding the Basics of DeMark Setups

I receive many questions about DeMark setups as they arise from time to time in my technical charts. As I've stated before, I really...
stock chart analysis

S&P 500 Weekend Update: An Up Close Look At the Technicals

By Andrew Nyquist As per usual, Fed week has proven to be both volatile and pesky. Monday started with a nice ramp up that overflowed happily into...
trader, investor, broker, financial, stress, rough day, tough day, stressed out, market participan

3 Key Mistakes Investors Make and How to Avoid Them

By Jeff Voudrie One of the most difficult aspects of investing for retirees is to go against the investing tide. We have all heard that...
return on investment, roi, risk managment, business goals, taking risk, measured risks

Investment Lessons For Life

By Alex Salomon Let's face it, this column should be short, sweet, and to the point. Something like this: "The single most consistent investment advice is,...
stock chart analysis

S&P 500 Weekend Update: Market Anticipation High

By Andrew Nyquist As we head into another weekend of "As Europe Turns," the markets are brimming with hope and optimism.  As I type, the S&P...
recycle, cycle, circular

Market Sentiment Cycles Offer Opportunity

By Joshua Schroeder The way financial markets digest and interpret economic information is truly fascinating. For instance, when sentiment is strong, almost every data release is...

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