Investing Research

stock market bull

Five Stocks to Buy in September, Revisited

By Andrew Nyquist Back in early September, I wrote about Five Stocks that I felt were nearing the buy zone and could be bought before month...
stock market, stock chart, technical analysis, investing

Quick Take: Will Apple Stock Continue to Grind Higher?

By Andrew Nyquist Let's face it, Apple (AAPL) is a popular stock.  Many people own it, many love it, and many watch it as a current barometer of market...
stock market, stock chart, technical analysis, investing

Quick Take: S&P 500 Confirms Wave 5 Lower, Should Bottom Soon

By Andrew Nyquist A few weeks ago, I posted a chart of the S&P 500, indicating a strong possibility of a move below 1100 and labeling...
silver, bullion

Deflationary Debt Fears Weighing Heavy on Silver Trade

By Andrew Nyquist The buildup to 2011 was downright bullish for precious metals. Each and every passing day brought to light new and deeper economic cracks....

Against the Grain: RIMM Stock Nearing the Buy Zone

By Andrew Nyquist I know, the story is tragic, and the company is a mess.  Since 2008, Research In Motion (RIMM stock) has been involved in...
bullish, bearish, stock market, investing, recession

Quick Take: S&P 500 Nearing Resistance; Know Your Levels

By Andrew Nyquist Many investors, myself included, were caught head down trying to figure out just how low last week's down move would go.  This natural "herding"...
bull bear market stocks

The Current State of the Financial Markets

By Andrew Nyquist This past week has brought back the feeling of a falling knife.  Not a good feeling, especially if you are over invested.  The...
bear market, recession, market crash, market bottom, uncertainty, stocks

Quick Take: A Technical Look at the S&P 500, Fibonacci Style

By Andrew Nyquist I am working on a larger technical piece for tomorrow, but wanted to get something out there for the technical folks. Below is a...

Quick Take: Wait for Resolution on Apple (AAPL)

By Andrew Nyquist Apple, Inc. (AAPL) closed at 400 on Friday and is nearing its recent highs around 405.  This is quite a feat, considering the...
stock market, stock chart, technical analysis, investing

Quick Take: S&P 500 Narrowing Wedgeline

By Andrew Nyquist After spiking and reversing this morning, the SPY added another focal point to the upper wedgeline.  Although bulls will be quick to point...

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