Market Analysis: Trend Health May Indicate September Inflection Point
By Sheldon McIntyre
Over the last couple of weeks I have been rethinking my bullish working thesis and in particular, the importance of September 2012. The...
Apple Stock Rally Keying Off 60 Minute RSI Divergence
By Andrew Nyquist
There's been plenty of weekend speculation about Apple (AAPL) and it's late Friday rally. Some are speculating that it's a lasting bottom, while...
Facebook Stock Powers Toward Gap Magnet
By Andrew Nyquist
In early October I penned an article about the negative sentiment surrounding Facebook (FB) and how stock pricing tends to account for what investors...
Bank Stocks Searching for a Bottom
By Andrew Nyquist
Technically speaking, the Bank Index (BKX) has been weak for some time. We had the September/October double top tails followed by a weak...
Emerging Markets (EEM) At Key Price Level
By Brad Tompkins
The Emerging Markets ETF (EEM) closed at a pivotal price level yesterday, just below its 2 month range and between the 50 and...
Apple Stock Bouncing but May Be Eyeing Late November Bottom
By Andrew Nyquist
Well, the Apple (AAPL) has fallen from the tree. The recent "bear" plunge from over $700 to $533 has been unrelenting and torturing for...
Using DeMark Set Up Analysis to Gauge Timing of Market Bottom
By Andrew Nyquist
The gentle pullback came to an abrupt end this week in the financial markets. What was a nice easy pullback above key supports...
S&P 500 Technical Update
By Andrew Nyquist
Pretty heavy market lately. In late October I posted a blog with charts showing some key support levels for active investors to focus...
Insights Into a Rough Month of Trading: Like a Botched Football Game
By Alex Salomon
Columns & articles on the “positive” tips and lessons for active investing are common. I have written a few and they are actually...
Small Caps Nearing Important Juncture on Multiple Time Frames
By Andrew Nyquist
Relative underperformance on the Russell 2000 (IWM) was a leading indicator of internal weakness as the markets were topping in September. Since that...