Investing Research

Using Planetary Cycles to Interpret Stock Market Trends

By Maria Rinehart     What are planetary cycles? A planetary cycle is the period during which a planet completes its orbit around the sun, including...
investing research, bollinger bands

Dow Jones Bollinger Bands Study: A Sign of Exhaustion?

By Korey Bauer     While everyone continues to pound the table saying that "this market is overbought" or "the market is topping," stocks continue to...
thumbs up

The Best of See It Market – February 2013

By Andrew Nyquist      With a growing entourage of contributors and solid content, we forge ahead with the “Best of See It Market” for February....
us dollar bull and bear

Historical US Dollar Chart and the Macro Equities Correlation

By Andrew Nyquist       Well, that's a pretty big title. And there are a lot of ways and angles to look at the correlation...
bull and bear graphic, equity risk premium

Prospective Equity Risk Premium: A Glimpse Into the Future

By Allan Millar In my last article we considered historical risk premiums and explored means for quantifying Equity Risk Premium. Taking that one step further, we...
us dollar sign

Using Technical Patterning to Interpret US Dollar Strength

By Andrew Kassen      The beleaguered US Dollar, long forlorn of any vestige of hope by the fiscal and monetary policy-induced abasement characteristic of the...
boom cartoon graphic

BOOM! The Real Reason Behind the Recent Market Action

By MarketPlunger      It's that time again. You know the time when peeps are all up in a tizzy over a big market...
put options, investment protection

Buying Put Options for Investment Protection

By Jeff Wilson     After writing some lengthy multi part articles, I’ve decided to make this next post to be a lot shorter. Nevertheless, I...

Gold Analysis and Technical Update

By Korey Bauer     Gold has been an interesting topic of late as it continues to be very weak even though central banks...
aapl technical analysis - 2013

Apple Stock: Worthy of a Trade, Wary of an Investment

By Andrew Nyquist      It doesn't take long for investors to understand that irrational can remain irrational for longer than most think. So just as Apple...

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