Investing Research

smartphone and money

Blackberry BBRY Valuation: A Contrarian Take

By Max Moore     BlackBerry (BBRY) has been one of the most controversial stocks in the past two quarters.  As of April 15th, 2013, short...
trading options

Trading Options In Three Dimensions

“It is often easier to tell what will happen to the price of a stock than how much time will elapse before it happens”...
day trading

Simplify Your Trading, Simplify Your Life

By Chris Zielinski     Life is complicated. Every day we deal with ups and downs, ins and outs, the good and the bad....
stock market correction sign

Margin Debt: The Next All-Time High?

By Andrew Kassen All-time highs?  Yeah, we've got those. In early March the Dow Jones Industrial Average finally snapped its early October 2007 high at...

See It Market News and Coming Attractions

Long time readers and confidants know that I am much more concerned with quality over quantity, and education and leadership over gimmicks and noise....
time price analysis

Understanding and Respecting Time and Price Analysis

By Andrew Nyquist     Each morning, active investors prepare for the day ahead by eyeing futures, screening stocks, checking out their favorite websites, and monitoring...

Welcome Note From Randall Liss, New Contributor and Options Guru

By Randall Liss     It is my great pleasure and privilege to have been invited to be a contributor on this fine site....
financial markets

How to Use the COT Report for Trading

By Alex Bernal     With much of the commodities space taking a hard tumble in recent weeks. I wanted to showcase a very useful tool...
stocks going down, topping patterns

Topping Patterns: Portraits of Stocks at Risk

By Maria Rinehart     They say those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it, but I say those who do learn...
trading time frames

Why Trading Time Frames Matter

By Jeff Wilson     Over the past couple months, the markets stalled out and spent a good deal of time within a tradeable range. During...

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