Position Traders: Time to Reduce Long Holdings
Greetings, investors. I'm following up on a piece I wrote for See It Market on August 29th about buying the DIP in the S&P 500...
Is This Fall 2012 Analog Signaling a Market Pullback?
If you are confused by the elated response to the Fed's decision not to taper, rest assured: you're not alone.
Following yesterday's "No Taper" pseudo-surprise...
Ahead of the FOMC: An Asset Class Review
Cross-asset class trading remains on the thin side. After the S&P 500 (SPX) and Russell 2000 (RUT) attained closing all-time highs yesterday, equities are...
Should Markets Fear a Government Shutdown?
Though it's been obscured in market-related news coverage over the past few weeks by Syria and today's FOMC, the political brinksmanship over the US...
US Treasuries: Is “Blood In the Streets” Yet?
I posted a longer hit on the topic of a possible and widely underappreciated stealth US Treasuries rally in the making last week -...
Market Masters: Elliott Wave Insights on US Equities
By Walter Murphy   Last week’s action is in line with our expectations. The three prior intermediate corrections from (and including) the June 2012...
Celebrating 2 Years of See It Market… 2 days Late
This has been on my mind for the past week or so. And being that our first 2 years has flown by so fast,...
Markets Feeling the Short Squeeze
I'm going to depart from my traditional Options Education today and provide more of a market observation. With today’s market action I believe that...
Is September’s FOMC Setting Up A US Treasuries Rally?
By nearly all accounts, the secular bull market bonds have cycled through since the early 1980s is in its final days.
Almost too neatly, faint...
Why Syria May Open A Bullish Window For Stocks
United Nations could delay action. President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are finding it difficult to rally international support for a military...