Investing Research

crude oil

Crude Oil Prices Falling Again, Nearing 1st Support

For the better part of the past two months, Crude Oil has been mired in a downtrend, falling roughly 15% from the August highs. And...

Stocks Fast Approaching Critical Pluto-Uranus Square

What an incredible run since the Euro financial crisis peaked in the summer of 2012, marking the first Pluto-Uranus square on the astrological calendar!...
lumber prices

Did Lumber Prices Forecast The Top In The 10 Year Yield?

Lumber prices in the beginning of the year surged to a new all-time high of $411.50. In mid-March, Lumber prices began to plunge and...
stock market up down

Market Momentum and Trend: One Is Not Like the Other

The first and most basic concept is this: Momentum indicators do not represent price trends. Momentum indicators represent momentum trends. -- Robert Miner, High Probability...
trend following

US Stocks Rise Higher, into Key Cyclical Resistance

US stocks rise higher; and higher still.  Is it getting frothy out there yet? The small-cap benchmark Russell 2000 index is now up +31.9% to date....
trading options

Options Education: The Basics of Exercise and Assignment

Every now again I think it fitting and proper to review some of the basic elements in options working method. Today I am going...

Netflix Earnings Reversal: Bearish Engulfing Pattern

You won't find many liquid, multi-hundred-dollar household-name stocks exhibiting spectacular rise-to-fall moves in this market; but this today's reversal bracketing Netflix earnings (NFLX) certainly...
market risks

Tech Stocks Getting Frothy, Ready For a Breather

Tech stocks have been the embodiment of momentum in 2013, posting nearly 30% gains YTD. But as we witness yet another push higher, it's...
stock market trends

SPX Sector Analysis: Stocks Again at Technical Crossroads

US equities experienced a brief dip in late September-early October on feelings of benign pessimism over the country's increasingly dire political (government shutdown) and...
trading stocks

Market Masters: Expanding Your Trading Horizons

by Mercenary Trader      Trading, in and of itself, is a life-altering task. It is not possible to trade well without having other parts of...

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