Investing Research

Crude Oil Spikes, Spills but Up-Trend Remains Intact

WTI Crude Oil (CL) opened the week trading aggressively higher, reflexively spurred through $104/bbl as traders responded to derivative supply concerns in the wake...

Real Life Trading Lessons: Rules vs Conviction

I have tried to share real life trading lessons in previous columns, and this week's entire Ukraine-Crimea-Russia quick roller-coaster provided for another entry in...
thumbs up

The Best Of See It Market – February 2014

Investors dedicated most of the month of February to offsetting January's equities drubbing. It seems that bearish sentiment has been sensitive and tends to...

NASDAQ 100 Stalling Near Technical Barrier

Stocks managed an impressive upswing off their early February lows, rewarding those who continued to buy the dip. I stayed cautious throughout based on...
bull bear stock market

March Seasonality: Stocks And ETFs That Outperform In March

Last month, in order to generate some ideas for active investors, I put together a February seasonality post.  The post got some great feedback,...
european union flag

EUR/USD Pushes Higher Toward Major Technical Decision

EUR/USD smashed higher this morning after Eurostat's Flash CPI estimate pegged the Euro Area's annualized inflation rate for a third consecutive reading at 0.8%.  Though...
soft commodities, coffee

Price Surge: The Rise Of Soft Commodities In Early 2014

Just when everyone had written off the commodity sector as being a serial underperformer for the last two years, it has resurged in 2014...

Using Weekly Charts To Gain A Tactical Advantage

During stock market corrections / pullbacks in a mature bull market I tend to gravitate to stocks that are displaying constructive price action around...

BioShock: Why Biotech Bubble Fears Are On Solid Ground

What's left to be said about the quickening madness that has every appearance of spooling into a classic mania in Biotech stocks? Sean McLaughlin...

NASDAQ 100: Record “No Correction” Streak About to End

Forget 1929: maybe it's time to start comparing the current market to 1999 again. Since hammering out a bottom 2.5 weeks ago, the NASDAQ 100...

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