Market Masters: Random Distribution And The Development Of A Belief System
by David Blair
There is a random distribution among winners and losers on any given set of variables defined as an edge.
Like most any pursuit...
Market Masters: Trading Myths Revealed
I’m honored that Andy asked me to come back a second year for the Market Masters series. Last year I focused on how I...
A Comprehensive Reading List For Professional Traders
This is the second edition of my recommended reading list for professional traders. I have continued the theme of highlighting investing literature that is...
Investor Psychology: Focus On Consistency
As many readers are aware, I'm a big investor psychology guy. I believe that the more you understand your psychological make up and skills...
Investors: Managing Risk Means Knowing Yourself
Each day, active investors are tasked with digesting and analyzing the market landscape. We do this as a means for managing risk within our...
Market Masters: Expanding Your Trading Horizons
by Mercenary Trader    Trading, in and of itself, is a life-altering task. It is not possible to trade well without having other parts of...
Market Masters: Getting Past Investment ‘Regret’ and Counterfactual Thinking
By Darren Miller    Regret is an ugly word. Regret leads to remorse which manifests itself as we sit and stew about the action (or...
Question Everything: Challenging Your Market Opinions
Given the delicate context the broad market up-trend finds itself in, this morning marked one of those rare occasions in which I check the...
Aphorisms of An Accidental Market Speculator – Part 1
Everyone's got a story behind how their interest, activity and even fascination with "the market" began. Some grow up in a multi-generational wealth management...
Insights into Breaking a Trading Slump
Ever been in a slump? A bad one – a really bad one? If you’ve invested in the markets for an extended period of...