Investor Psychology

stressed out trader

Professional Trading Insights: When Everything Goes Wrong

Regardless of your investing or trading strategy, prowess or experience, there will be times when everything (and I mean “everything”) goes wrong. I share...
investor waiting for stock market

The Downside Of Long-Term Buy And Hold Portfolio Diversification

There are many different ways to invest, including using a strategy that involves portfolio diversification via ETFs and/or mutual funds. For example, we recently...
making money, investor psychology

Adam Grimes: You Wanna Be Right, Or Make Money?

It's easy for investors to get caught up in what they think is right or should happen. But that's not how traders become successful. Here's an...
trading strategies buy sell

4 Core Beliefs That Define My Trading “Edge”

A while back I was honored to write a post for the "Market Masters" series on See It Market. But today marks my first official post...
trading screen, stock trading

Why Trading Is Harder Than One Thinks

Being a trader is not just a numbers game, it is a way of thinking, analyzing and outsmarting all the other players in the...
bull market image

10 Reasons Bull Markets SteamRoll Bears

Sure all bull markets have pullbacks. And it's not uncommon for bull markets to have a few corrections. But each one breeds more bears with...
stressed out trader

Trading In The Information Age: Adjusting To “Quick Fix” Markets

Our society seemingly has given way to shorter time frames. We simply revel in looking at the next minute rather than "tomorrow". In this fast-paced...
trading time frames

The Anatomy Of A Trader: Holding True To Your Trading Time Frames

The past 5 months have been fairly volatile. The market swings up and down have been swift and momentous, highlighting the many twists and...
stock trader anxiety

5 Ways For Traders To Overcome Performance Anxiety

There are many causes for performance anxiety which can leave a new trader with too much fear to trade with focus. And this fear often...
trading stocks

10 Things Successful Traders Must Quantify

Subjective: Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. Proceeding from or taking place in a person’s mind rather than the external...

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