Stocks & ETFs

Apple Falling

Apple Falling Beneath $420 Support

By Andrew Kassen On Monday we considered whether the already beaten-down Apple could bounce or had still further to fall (check out that...
Apple Falling

Apple: Flipping Over or Further to Fall

By Andrew Kassen The harrowing magnificence of AAPL's rise-to-fall over the past 6 months has been a strange and winding cautionary tale. A...

Silent Running: How the Dow Transports Outperform

By Andrew Kassen The Dow Transports outperform; but just don't get much play. Once referred to simply as the "Rails" because of the historic prevalence...
stock market relative strength

GOOG Stock Falls Again, Nearing Important Price Support

By Andrew Nyquist     After a stealth drop in mid-January, Google (GOOG) stock soared over 20 percent into early March. And with that run higher...
stock charts, chart analysis, price analysis, financial markets, stock market bar chart

Citigroup Stock Analysis: Monitoring Technical Support

By Andrew Nyquist     Late last week I received a request to look at Citigroup stock (Ticker symbol: C).  As per usual, I started to dig...

Facebook Stock Sliding Into the Buy Zone

By Andrew Nyquist      While stocks have been busy marching higher in 2013, Facebook (FB) has been stair-stepping lower. Facebook stock price peaked in early...
stock analysis, fusion-io, fio

Fusion-io (FIO): Still a Small Cap Darling?

By Andrew Nyquist      It's been a little while since I posted some technical analysis on specific stocks. As many readers and followers know, I...
aapl long term chart analysis

Apple AAPL Long Term Chart Update

It seems that the Apple (AAPL) chatter is finally dying down a bit. But really, right here and now, AAPL is testing a key...
stock chart analysis

Market Update: Time to Tune Out the Noise

By Andrew Nyquist Hey peeps, happy Friday from the Sunshine State. My wife and I are enjoying some quality family time, and no doubt, our "tinies"...
stock market chart

Emerging Markets: EEM Consolidation Pattern Nearing Completion?

By Andrew Nyquist In my early January Emerging Markets update, I pointed out a few reasons why the Emerging Markets (EEM) may begin to lag. And...

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