
swiss franc etf fxf currency trading price support_23 april 2018

Swiss Franc Testing Key Support: Time For A Bounce?

A popular Swiss Franc ETF is testing a key line of potential support. We mentioned this week in our regular #TrendlineWednesday feature on Twitter and StockTwits that many of...
fxy japanese yen currency elliott wave primary decline count_april 2018

Japanese Yen ETF (FXY) Upward Retrace May Be Complete

The Japanese Yen ETF (NYSEARCA:FXY) poked a little bit above the consolidation range that it formed during the past year, which is a signal...
bitcoin futures trading analysis news decline fall lower_march 29

Why Bitcoin Could Fall To $4,000 This Year

Most traders live and die with price charts. They show us where to buy and where to sell. Many times a securities price leaves...
us dollar cot report non commercial tradng positions march 23

US Dollar Index: Traders Indecisive At Key Technical Support

The following chart and data highlight non-commercial commodity futures trading positions as of March 20, 2017. This data was released with the March 23 COT...
us dollar to gold price ratio lower year 2018 bullish precious metals

Gold Bulls Hope This Ratio Provides Best Message In 7 Years!

Most investors are familiar with the relationship between the U.S. Dollar and Gold. Gold bulls like a weaker U.S. Dollar as it provides a tailwind...
march 9 cot report euro futures positions commitment of traders

COT Report: Is The Euro Nearing A Turning Point?

The following chart and data highlight non-commercial commodity futures trading positions as of March 6, 2017. This data was released with the March 9 COT...
us dollar index rally bullish wedge breakout higher_february 28

US Dollar Rally May Spell Trouble For Precious Metals!

The last 14 months has seen the US Dollar Index fall nearly 15 percent (top to bottom).  Sentiment toward the dollar has turned bearish...
us dollar cot report february 23 short futures positions chart

COT Report: Is The US Dollar Carving Out A Bottom?

The following chart and data highlight non-commercial commodity futures trading positions as of February 20, 2017. This data was released with the February 23 COT...
us dollar futures trading cot report analysis february 2

COT Report: Is The US Dollar Ready To Bounce?

The following chart and data highlight non-commercial commodity futures trading positions as of January 30, 2017. This data was released with the February 2 COT...
euro futures currency cot speculators record net longs chart_january 26

EURO Currency Speculation Sees Record Net Longs

The following chart and data highlight non-commercial commodity futures trading positions as of January 23, 2017. This data was released with the January 26 COT...

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