
treasury bond yields divergence year 2024 copper gold ratio chart history

Historical Indicator Points To Interest Rates Decline

The Federal Reserve lowered the key interest rate by .25 last week. This is the second reduction in the past 2 months (the first...
10 year us treasury bond yield rising higher chart year 2024

Will Rising Bond Yields Upset Stock Market?

As long as stocks are rising, bullish investors want their cake and to eat it too. Doesn't matter what the concern is... Until it does...
tlt treasury bonds etf bullish falling wedge pattern chart november 6

Treasury Bonds (TLT) At Crossroads: Breakout or Breakdown?

Treasury bonds and bond yields (interest rates) have been a major investor focus of late. This is especially true as the Federal Reserve navigates interest...
high yield spread index option adjusted warning stock market decline investing chart november 2024

Are High Yield Spreads Forecasting Another Stock Market Collapse?

There are a lot of indicators to follow when trying to project future stock market performance. But today we look at an indicator that has...
10 year treasury bond yield soaring after federal reserve cuts interest rates chart october

Who’s Right: The 10-Year Bond Yield or The FED?

The Federal Reserve met 6 weeks ago to make a decision on the key interest rate. 25 basis points was a gimme with 50...
s&p 500 bearish stocks divergence junk bonds chart october

S&P 500 Bearish Divergence with Junk Bonds Largest of Year!

The stock market performs best when risky assets are being bought by investors. This is what investors call "risk on", as it points to...
high yield junk bonds trading reversal lower risky stock market chart october 22

Junk Bonds Reversal Flashes Caution to Stock Market

Since the end of 2023 and throughout most of 2024, the high yield, high debt bonds have been on a tear. However, the party could...
us treasury bonds high correlation japanese yen decline chart october

More Treasury Bonds Selling Ahead? Watch the Japanese Yen!

The U.S. treasury bond market is one of largest and most important in the world. And with interest rates becoming a daily topic of...
treasury bonds etf tlt bear market rally long term investing analysis chart

Is Treasury Bonds (TLT) Bounce a Sea Change or Just Noise?

Are long-dated treasury bonds and interest rates the current political football? Sure seems that way considering all the Federal Reserve talk and comments by Trump...
stock market etfs trading analysis week september 30

Stock Market ETFs Trading Update: Watch Long Bonds (TLT)

I’d say “if the Economic Modern Family could speak...” However, they can, and they do. And what are they saying after a week of China flying,...

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