Chart of the Week: IaaS Cloud Data Highlights Leadership, Innovation and Migration

“The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” – Bill Gates

Throughout the past several decades the rise of the internet has revolutionized many aspects of our life.

It has paved the way for new business models and as a result, we have experienced an explosion of innovation.

Traditionally, companies would have on-premise centers, but this has evolved.

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Today, several companies offer infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) which has taken off as companies migrate to the cloud.

Amazon’s AWS business – Amazon (AMZN) – leads the pack with a 48% overall market share, followed by Microsoft’s Azure – Microsoft (MSFT) – at 16%. IBM Cloud holds just a 1.8% share of market.

Breaking Down the Data

iaas cloud overall market share by business service offering year 2020 chart

Breaking down the data further, enterprise IT groups seem to largely prefer Microsoft Azure (48% share). Amazon AWS (36%) and Google Cloud Platform (8%) follow behind.

On the other hand, ‘tech-first’ companies overwhelmingly prefer Amazon AWS which commands a 90% share here. The remaining 10% is divided among Azure, GCP, and others.

It’s also important to note the increasing popularity of a hybrid-cloud ecosystem and the companies leading the space – from the hardware to the software layers. Today, an increasing number of enterprises are looking to multi-cloud solutions for their needs.

Twitter:  @_SeanDavid

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